Welcome to No, Seriously... I'm Jen Logan. These are my adventures, experiences and opinions. If you are new to the site and can't decide if you want to send me gifts because you think I am so awesome, or send my husband an escape plan because you feel so bad for him - I recommend a few stories to get to know me.

I listen to great music! I also remember pretty much every life event I have had by what music was streaming in my head at the time.

I screw things up a lot! I'm okay with this. The more you screw things up, the less people ask you to do. The things I am good at, I'm pretty damn good at.

My husband is a saint! He truly is. He has stuck it out with me for almost thirteen years now.

Being a parent is the greatest gift in the World! It is also the messiest and scariest gift I have ever received.

Make Me Famous

Make Me Famous

Like most seven year olds, my daughter is obsessed with YouTube. She has been interested in filming videos for a few years now and I have told her that she can make videos, but I refuse to let he open toys, play with toys or otherwise promote toys in videos. She has...

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Wet Hot American Summer

Wet Hot American Summer

I dropped my daughter off at camp today for "slime week". It's a full week of making slime, playing with slime, slip and sliding in slime and probably bathing in slime. As long as she is not sniffing the glue they are making the slime with, I'm totally okay with this....

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Last week my parents informed me that Erik Estrada - you know, the guy from Chips - was planning to jump a building in Las Vegas on a motorcycle. My first thought was "I wonder if VH1 has some new pseudo-celebrity series that is airing this". It's been a little while...

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Lake Life

Lake Life

My parents bought a house on a lake seven years ago. Each year we seem to spend a little more time out there and each year my dad somehow acquires more toys for the water. He started out with a couple of wave runners and started adding rafts he could pull behind the...

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I was watching the news this morning and there was a story about how a toddler was injured at a playground that caught my interest. In the preview they kept showing a picture of a young mom sitting on a slide with her toddler on her lap, all smiles. I was already...

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My daughter was looking through some of my old yearbooks last weekend. As I flipped the pages and looked at pictures of my class, I was a little shocked at how few of my classmates I remembered. I was also shocked that when I saw the picture of one particular girl I...

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Love Cats

Love Cats

Every child in my daughter's class got a new pet last year. This is what I hear at least. I know of at least three that did in fact get a dog in the past year. But I'm pretty sure the majority of the remaining twenty two first graders did not get a new pet....

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Mother of the Year Part Eleven Million

Mother of the Year Part Eleven Million

I finally did it - the thing every parent dreads and hopes never happens to them. I forgot to pick up my kid from school. Actually, her grandparents didn't pick her up from school, but it was my fault. She had a noon dismissal on Friday and I didn't let my parents...

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Little Trouble Girl

Little Trouble Girl

When my husband and I were first married we lived in a little house in a neighborhood that was headed into economic hardship. We lived directly across the street from a condo complex that included government subsidized housing. There lived little old ladies, single...

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Stay Off My Lawn!

Stay Off My Lawn!

We have a lawn service. They are inexpensive since they handle a lot of the homes in our neighborhood. Because of this I never complain about the little things that bother me. Sure, I swear under my breath when they show up before 8 am on saturday most weeks but I...

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The Payoff

The Payoff

My daughter would make a natural politician. She has the gift of gab, she can manipulate the stripes off a zebra and when all else fails, she knows that most problems can be solved with cold hard cash. She has been attempting to use this last technique to avoid doing...

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Wanna Go For a Ride?

Wanna Go For a Ride?

Practice makes perfect right? There is usually a positive correlation between the number of times you do something and your ability to do it. Driving seems to not follow this rule. Like dancing or listening, it seems to be something you are either good at or not....

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Coming Soon

Debut Book from Jen Logan - Coming Soon