Welcome to No, Seriously... I'm Jen Logan. These are my adventures, experiences and opinions. If you are new to the site and can't decide if you want to send me gifts because you think I am so awesome, or send my husband an escape plan because you feel so bad for him - I recommend a few stories to get to know me.

I listen to great music! I also remember pretty much every life event I have had by what music was streaming in my head at the time.

I screw things up a lot! I'm okay with this. The more you screw things up, the less people ask you to do. The things I am good at, I'm pretty damn good at.

My husband is a saint! He truly is. He has stuck it out with me for almost thirteen years now.

Being a parent is the greatest gift in the World! It is also the messiest and scariest gift I have ever received.

In My Eyes

In My Eyes

When we moved into our house a year ago, we had about triple the wall space to decorate as our last house. My husband has been slowly filling the walls with his artwork. We had a handful of his pieces at our old house, but his last job kept him so overworked, he had...

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Cats Are Assholes

Cats Are Assholes

Seriously, cats are pushy, demanding, stubborn little jerks. My two baby boys have been getting mani-pedis since the time they moved in with us and all of a sudden they have decided they want nothing to do with the vet or the vet techs. A few months ago when they went...

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Touch Me I’m Sick

Touch Me I’m Sick

The medical industry needs some work. I spent two years in pain and thousands upon thousands of dollars while doctors shrugged their shoulders and passed me off to the next doctor before a test for an unrelated issue revealed two boulders in my kidneys. I had cameras...

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Danger Kitty

Danger Kitty

I'm pretty sure my youngest cat is trying to off himself. Although I have to wonder if cats possess the cognitive ability to have suicidal ideation, the drama queen in me says I need to immediately search for a kitten therapist. I think he might low-key hate himself...

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Pump Up the Volume

Pump Up the Volume

My family doesn't eat fast food often. We eat it so infrequently that when I do drive through a drive-thru I become paralyzed with confusion. My family finds this hilarious, and therefore, try to send me out for burgers and fries as often as possible.A few weeks ago...

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Better Things

Better Things

It's been a year. We've had a little good, a little bad, and everything in between. It's been a year of change overall. Our address changed, my husband's job changed, my daughter's health changed, and even the pets in our home changed. We started new traditions,...

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I’m Not a Loser

I’m Not a Loser

I love when you walk into a space and find your people. I do it a lot at punk shows, church basements and a little book store that sells mental health books. My kid did it last night at a restaurant in town. We sat down at our table and our waitress immediately asked...

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We moved into our new house and after a week of unpacking I finally had the chance to use the jet tub. It took about a week to fill up and was so big I couldn't reach my feet to the end while lying down so I basically floated around while bubbles blew through my hair....

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Suburban Home

Suburban Home

About two years ago we decided it was time to move. It was shortly after the boy who lives next door punched my daughter in the stomach and scratched her arm while "playing" outside and then lied when confronted about it. Since that time, we have been looking at...

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Punk Rock Saves Lives

Punk Rock Saves Lives

Multiple day music festivals are more common than crop tops on pre-teens these days, but when I was a young music fan, there was no such thing. The first time I went to a show with more than three bands and one stage was Lollapalooza in 1991. My memories are limited,...

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Brody (The Young Crazed Peeling)

Brody (The Young Crazed Peeling)

My cat died this week and I'm fairly certain there is a hole in my heart that will never be healed. I think I had forgotten how much you could love an animal until he came into my life. Maybe it's because I had been wanting a kitten for five years before my husband...

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Rebel Girl’s Daughter

Rebel Girl’s Daughter

I woke up sobbing this morning like a little girl. It took me a minute to wake up and realize that I was a little girl and I was crying because I was talking to myself. It's something I tell clients to do a lot when we are talking about trauma they went through as a...

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Coming Soon

Debut Book from Jen Logan - Coming Soon