Welcome to No, Seriously... I'm Jen Logan. These are my adventures, experiences and opinions. If you are new to the site and can't decide if you want to send me gifts because you think I am so awesome, or send my husband an escape plan because you feel so bad for him - I recommend a few stories to get to know me.

I listen to great music! I also remember pretty much every life event I have had by what music was streaming in my head at the time.

I screw things up a lot! I'm okay with this. The more you screw things up, the less people ask you to do. The things I am good at, I'm pretty damn good at.

My husband is a saint! He truly is. He has stuck it out with me for almost thirteen years now.

Being a parent is the greatest gift in the World! It is also the messiest and scariest gift I have ever received.

Sugar Junkie

Sugar Junkie

My husband is a sugar junkie through and through. Last night at the gym he decided it was a good idea make a stop at Whole Foods on the way home for some cookies from the bakery. When it was determined that neither of us had a wallet, he devised a plan whereby he...

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I Can Do Hard Things!

I Can Do Hard Things!

Have you ever met someone who seems to be good at everything they do? Pediatrician by day, chef in the evening, pro tennis player on the weekends and super model at every charity event you see her at. Yeah, that bitch! And you can't even call her a bitch because she...

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Thank God my Daughter is a Velma

Thank God my Daughter is a Velma

The other morning while my daughter and I were rocking out to the Hex Girls in the car she pointed out that the song was from the Scooby Doo episode where Daphne was really jealous because Fred was giving the Hex Girls attention. She said "wasn't that silly Mama,...

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I went to a funeral yesterday for a twenty four year old woman. I think everyone would agree this is far too young to die. It was not mentioned in her obituary or at the funeral how she died, only that she died suddenly. "Suddenly", it's the code word for in a tragic...

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Just call me Helen

Just call me Helen

I was at a party and a woman whom I have known for a few years walked over with her husband and introduced me as "Kathy". I corrected her (of course) and we both laughed at how bad we are with names, but for a minute my ego got a little inflamed. It jumped up with...

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I think the most complicated relationships are between women. I say this because I am a woman and I can't even figure out how I think half the time, let alone what most normal women think. I also don't have a lot of women in my life that I am close with, I have always...

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Family Vacation

Family Vacation

I'm not sure who thought it was a good idea to come to Florida in August, but here we are - me, the husband, spawn and old folks. My Mom's idea of a good vacation is lounging by the pool. My husband's idea of a good vacation is seeing everything the destination has to...

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Life Lesson from My Five Year Old

Life Lesson from My Five Year Old

My daughter got punched in the face by a three year old little girl the other day while she was at the child care center at our gym. When the little girl was asked why she did it she said she didn't know. My daughter's reaction to getting socked in the head was not at...

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My Life and Music

My Life and Music

The chapters in my life are marked by what music I was listening to at the time. For instance, when I was a freshman at Michigan State University I listened to a lot of punk rock like Black Flag & Minor Threat. I used to have a crush on a DJ at the radio station...

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In the Middle

I am 44 today and on this day I am celebrating another year on this planet by going to the Warped Tour. On what will be one of the hottest days of the summer I am going to gather with a bunch of fifteen year old kids and listen to really loud punk rock music. My...

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Party Etiquette

Party Etiquette

I never thought I would be googling Emily Post and proper party etiquette, but I found myself doing just that today. I was talking with a few co-workers about people not clearing their plates at informal parties and picnics and came to the conclusion that quite a few...

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Hello World!

Hello World!

Do you ever feel like you are wearing a super hero costume under your clothes? Like you have this secret inner self that can come out when you need it to and be truly awesome? I do. My super hero costume is more like a Black Flag t-shirt. Sometimes it peeks out of my...

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Coming Soon

Debut Book from Jen Logan - Coming Soon