by Jen Logan | Apr 30, 2017 | Life, Parenting, Screwing Things Up

Sure I can do it in one take!
I have been recording my audio blogs over the past several weeks with the help of my husband. He has a studio in the basement. When we first moved into our house his studio was the size of half of the basement. As our daughter grew and her toys got bigger and more abundant, she required more space. What was once a studio was cut in half to become a playroom with a studio attached. Once the Barbie Dream House and air hockey table made their way into the playroom, the studio wall was moved back even further. My husband’s space is now the size of a New York City apartment. In this studio he has his audio recording equipment as well as his photo/video equipment. Needless to say, it’s a little cramped.
by Jen Logan | Apr 27, 2017 | Being Awesome

I saved his contact under “Genius”
Sometimes I can’t help myself. I mean, seriously, it was impossible for me not to respond with a snarky message. Yes, I filed your tax return with zero information from you!?!
I worked with an older CPA for a number of years. When he passed away in 2005 I was left with his clients who have now become my clients. Even when I worked for another firm for the last decade I still always had these clients on the side. They have become almost like family since they have been around for twenty years now. This particular client in this text is the son of one of my clients. He contacts me every two to three years to file his tax returns. He says things to me like “You need to find me more deductions!” and I respond with things like “You have a W-2 and no expenses, you rent an apartment and you don’t itemize… if you would like more deductions I suggest you get married and have lots of kids!” He never responds to that strangely. He’s probably out looking for that wife and kids I mentioned.
by Jen Logan | Apr 25, 2017 | Lemonade out of Lemons, Screwing Things Up

I get my cooking skills from my Dad!
Every night my daughter asks me to tell her a story from my childhood. Most of them either include me getting into some kind of trouble or my Dad doing something that he probably shouldn’t have done. The story I shared with her a few nights ago was about my Dad trying to do something really sweet and falling a little short. This was usually a theme with him when it came to my Mom, but rarely when it came to me. Growing up, in my eyes my Dad could do no wrong, This was one of the only times that I ever was able to see a flaw in the Old Man. (more…)
by Jen Logan | Apr 23, 2017 | Being Awesome

1st recording session
My husband is indeed a saint. He has been working with me diligently to produce audio and video blogs. We have 12 up so far and many more to come. After spending twelve years sitting on the other side of the glass in the studio it was a lot of fun to have the heat on me.
Listen here and watch here! They are also available on YouTube, Soundcloud and coming soon to iTunes!

Improved studio & hair!
by Jen Logan | Apr 17, 2017 | Being Awesome, Lemonade out of Lemons

I have a friend who talks a lot about having a mustard seed. What she is referring to is that little bit of faith needed to make big things happen. Once planted it grows. It grows quickly and soundly and it turns into a strong and healthy plant. I came to a crossroad in my life recently. When I got there I realized that I had a mustard seed with me and from that moment I was able to have the courage to take a great leap of faith. (more…)
by Jen Logan | Apr 12, 2017 | Parenting

Sleeping Bear
My daughter has been asking for a juice box nightly for the last week. We don’t let her drink juice boxes often and never in the evening so I’m not really sure where she got it in her head that she would be given juice at night, but she has been having nightly meltdowns when we don’t give in to her demands. One of these nights after a particularly long whining session, my husband got a juice box for himself after she went to bed. Walking into the kitchen he said “should I go wake her up and show her I’m having a juice box?” He thinks this stuff is funny. He likes to poke the bear. (more…)
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