Don’t Be a Bergen

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No, Seriously...
Don't Be a Bergen

See the original written post, Don’t Be a Bergen. If you are enjoying the content; words, audio or video, please share or subscribe at the bottom of the page.


I had to run over to Target to buy some knee pads for my daughter. She has been riding her scooter outside since it has been warm and she fell and scraped her knee, so we told her she could wear knee pads while riding just in case she falls again. I was a little tempted to skip the sporting goods section and go straight for the office supplies to buy bubble wrap. She really is my child, she trips while standing still. I found the knee pads and headed straight for the checkout.

Don’t Poke the Bear

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No, Seriously...
Don't Poke the Bear

See the original written post, Don’t Poke the Bear. If you are enjoying the content; words, audio or video, please share or subscribe at the bottom of the page.


My daughter has been asking for a juice box nightly for the last week. We don’t let her drink juice boxes often and never in the evening so I’m not really sure where she got it in her head that she would be given juice at night, but she has been having nightly meltdowns when we don’t give in to her demands. One of these nights after a particularly long whining session, my husband got a juice box for himself after she went to bed. Walking into the kitchen he said “should I go wake her up and show her I’m having a juice box?” He thinks this stuff is funny. He likes to poke the bear.

I Need a New Coat

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No, Seriously...
I Need a New Coat

See the original written post, I Need a New Coat. If you are enjoying the content; words, audio or video, please share or subscribe at the bottom of the page.


My daughter is already embarrassed to be seen with me and she is only six. I can’t blame her though. I ran out of the house wearing leggings and a tunic with a pair of ballet flats. I was very casual and when I got to the closet to grab a coat I realized that all of my spring jackets are much more business-like. I grabbed a mustard yellow wool coat that was casual and warm. It wasn’t until I got in the car that I realized I was wearing a grey shirt and my shoes were black and beige. Literally nothing on my body matched.

Only Child Syndrome

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No, Seriously...
Only Child Syndrome

See the original written post, Only Child Syndrome. If you are enjoying the content; words, audio or video, please share or subscribe at the bottom of the page.


I am an only child. It was great growing up and always being the best one at whatever I did because there was nobody there to measure up against. But then I got married and all of a sudden there was someone else in “my” family to compare myself to. It sucks to be married to a guy who can do everything. I taught myself how to cook and I was decent at it, but then he started cooking so I gave it up. I was a photographer in high school and did a fairly decent job as family photographer until he came along and he is actually a gifted photographer, so I gave that up.

She’s Crafty

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No, Seriously...
She's Crafty

See the original written post, She’s Crafty. If you are enjoying the content; words, audio or video, please share or subscribe at the bottom of the page.


When I was pregnant with my daughter I remember talking with my husband about what she would look like. It was almost like setting our pictures side by side and picking who had the better physical feature. I won nose, eyebrows and bottom lip. He won the rest. My husband is much better looking than I am. I am totally okay with this. Some of the traits we hoped for were more practical, like we both hoped she had my husband’s teeth, straight, white and no cavities. These qualities all cost less and save a lot of pain for all of us. We also hoped that she did not end up with my bow legs and knobby knees.

The Jerk Family

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No, Seriously...
The Jerk Family

See the original written post, The Jerk Family. If you are enjoying the content; words, audio or video, please share or subscribe at the bottom of the page.


Social media is really making people crazy. My husband received this message yesterday from a guy who lives in our neighborhood. We had taken a walk up to the elementary school near our house since it was such a nice day. We played, slid, swung and ran for an hour and walked back home. Several hours later, after returning from the store, my husband showed me his phone. I was really confused because I didn’t remember seeing this guy’s family at the school. I didn’t remember seeing them at Target either. This is the problem with being oblivious to what is going on around you – people think you are a stuck up A-hole.
