Higher Ground

If anyone can tame a wolf – it is this child.

If you ever feel like you need a pat on the back for your parenting skills, spend a few days at a water park. I just spent the last hour telling my six year old how kind and sweet and polite she is after spending seventy two hours surrounded by a few hundred partially supervised, overly sweetened little monsters. Their parents were mostly encouraging the bad behavior by looking the other way when their kid cut in line and sprayed another kid in the face with a water gun. They are just kids being kids, learning how to be mean and get their way, learning how to look out for number one. The parents just leaned back with their beers and watched their little minis pouring buckets of water on unsuspecting parents, laughing right along. (more…)


She might fall, but she might fly.

My daughter and I attended a birthday party the other day at a gymnastics center. I watched as the kids climbed up a giant wooden pirate ship built into the wall and jumped into a pit filled with little foam blocks. Some of the kids went to the very top drawbridge, while others would only jump from the drawbridge in the middle of the boat. Some kids didn’t jump at all, opting to explore other caverns. I thought about what I would have done as a child. I would have been the first one up to the top drawbridge, possibly even looking for a higher spot to jump from. I was a daredevil for sure. I see that in my daughter and it scares me because I know the kind of trouble we daredevils can find. (more…)

Baby Talk

My six year old has a pretty large vocabulary. She uses words like “persistent” and “stupendous” in normal conversation. So when she started baby talking last week I knew something was amiss. I have read all of the parenting books and blogs I can get my hands on. I have been informed by Drs. Sears, Ferber and Spock that she is going through an event that she is not psychologically ready to face so she is reverting to her infant language as a coping mechanism. This would all make perfect sense if we were moving, or if there had been a death in the family. But there isn’t any big change happening. There is summer camp and afternoons in her grandparents’ pool.  (more…)


Tap dancing in the driveway singing punk rock.

My daughter and I were walking into the gym (my new hang-out) when an SUV pulled up along side of us. The windows were down, the music was up and the thirty-ish scruffy football player looking driver started singing along “Staring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty window, let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find…” loud enough for a few rows of cars to hear. I’m not a big fan of pop music, but I have channel surfed enough to recognize the theme song from the Hills (AKA Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield) that he was belting out. (more…)

Happy Father’s Day

Homemade cards are the best when they are anonymous

My husband asked for one thing for Father’s Day – a homemade card from his daughter. Mini-me is as gifted at gift giving as her mother. She had to gum up the works just a little. She made the card, but forgot to sign her name. This should explain why my card was signed “terrible wife” instead of my usual “bad wife!”


The Girls Get Around

Hanging with the girls…

Being an only child, you need to improvise when you want to have a girls day watching movies, or a dance party. My daughter creates her parties using a couple of three foot tall Disney princesses. Although they normally reside in her playroom, they make an appearance in other rooms of the house while she is playing. Inevitably, they spend a night sitting on the couch in the family room. On these nights, my prankster husband finds it funny to set the girls up in strange places when he leaves for work in the morning. I awake to find Belle next to my bed or Anna peeking out from behind the bathroom door. He takes great pride in freaking me out first thing in the morning. (more…)
