Tap dancing in the driveway singing punk rock.
My daughter and I were walking into the gym (my new hang-out) when an SUV pulled up along side of us. The windows were down, the music was up and the thirty-ish scruffy football player looking driver started singing along “Staring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty window, let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find…” loud enough for a few rows of cars to hear. I’m not a big fan of pop music, but I have channel surfed enough to recognize the theme song from the Hills (AKA Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield) that he was belting out.
Another burly guy walked behind the SUV shaking his head a little as my daughter said “That guy was singing really loud!” I answered “Yes he was. That is what you call no shame.” The burly guy smiled a bit thinking I was making fun of the singing driver, but I continued talking. “That is a good way to go through life honey. Sing as loud as you want. Have fun. It doesn’t matter who is watching you, thinking you’re nuts.” Burly scoffer lowered his head and kept walking. I’m guessing he is the guy who would make fun of his buddy for singing like a teenage girl but is not at all embarrassed as he grunts and farts on the weight bench, or blows his snot rockets in the shower. So now I have a few new guys to stalk at the gym. I need to make friends with the singer so he and I can go terrorize Mr. Uptight with the greatest hits from bad cable television. This summer is getting more fun every day.
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