
They call me “double scoop” for a reason.

I was talking to a girlfriend today who is making a bad choice but doesn’t really care. She is dating a guy who she knows is bad for her but she can’t seem to stay away from him. My response to her was “Well, I know ice cream is bad for me, but sometimes I just really need to eat some ice cream.” My friends seem to talk to me when they want the okay to do something bad. I am always the one that will support their decision to live a little dangerously. Sleep with the bad boy? Go for it! Quit your stable job to do something you love that pays dirt? You only live once! Let the kids stay with their grandparents to run off to Jamaica for a week of debauchery? Hell yes! I am that friend who will give the bad idea legs to run with. (more…)

The A Team

My daughter’s last day of kindergarten was last week. After she picked up her prize for “her excellent French skills and for always being an active participant during class”, I picked up her report card. I was happy to see that she had mastered all of the skills expected by the end of kindergarten and had already begun working on her first grade skills. She was actually pretty far ahead in reading, which we were already aware of. She reads “chapter books” to us nightly. One of her teachers had also mentioned to me what a good reader she is. I had inwardly patted myself on the back for reading to her in utero – I take my wins wherever I can!
