Hello? Hello?
Last saturday I woke up to see that I had a voicemail from my Mom. I walked down into my kitchen to get my coffee while listening to the message. I pressed play but heard nothing. Pulling the phone away from my ear I read the transcription, but still heard no audio recording. I stopped the message and hit play again. Still nothing. On my third attempt, the garage door opened and my husband yelled for me. At the same moment I heard my Mom’s voice coming through the speakers of my car. My husband had my car running in the garage while he was making sure the tires were all properly filled. I like my music loud so the volume in my car is usually cranked up. This day was no exception. My mom’s voice was coming through the car speakers like she was running up and down the street with a bullhorn. And it was repeating since I had been standing there pressing play over and over again. Shaking his head with a smirk, my husband told me to turn off the MB blue tooth. I did and the message immediately played through my phone speaker. Problem solved.
I walked upstairs while hitting the “call back” button on my phone. And then I waited, and waited, and waited. I was beginning to think there was something wrong with my phone until I heard my Mom’s voice faintly saying “hello? hello?” I replied with “hello? hello?” Hm, I must have pressed mute when I was changing the speaker when I was listening to my voicemail. I looked at my phone only to find that MB blue tooth was again selected. It hit me then that when my husband said to turn off the blue tooth he meant to TURN OFF THE BLUE TOOTH. I had only selected the speaker while on the call, so when I picked up the phone again, it defaulted to the MB blue tooth. I listened as my Mom’s voice got louder and louder, now yelling “HELLO? ARE YOU THERE???” Forget the bullhorn, it now sounded as if she was performing at Comerica Park.
I sat down for a moment and laughed. I wasn’t sure if I was laughing at my mother yelling progressively louder or at the fact that I had become my mother, unable to turn off the blue tooth on my phone without significant help. I did not of course hang up the phone while I sat laughing. Instead I walked downstairs and opened the garage door. As expected, I found my husband shaking his head with that same smirk. The joke really is on him though. I am in fact turning into my mother. Who’s laughing now?
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